Krewella get wet mega
Krewella get wet mega

Philosopher Jonathan Kramer theorized in his essay "The Nature and Origins of Musical Postmodernism" that post-modern music is not a product of historical period or a even particular style, but an "attitude" as it relates to "modern" (re: pop) music. What makes Krewella so special? Frame Get Wet against its contemporaries and it's an example of post-modern music. With that said, in a time where the dance music's power as a pop culture force is in question, Krewella's debut album is not only the most aggressive pop record in years, but a timeless record and a cultural milestone for dance music, cementing the legitimacy of the EDM age.

krewella get wet mega

With Krewella, there's a primal if not animalistic sense of unbridled emotion reminiscent of the hard rock heyday or recent bands like Paramore something that current pop music, like Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe" lacks. But is it more than just a raunchy soundtrack - is it more than insanely infectious pop music? Compare the record with any number of recent top 40 hits or critical pop darlings like Daft Punk's "Get Lucky" or Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' "Thrift Shop" and there's clearly a distinct difference in attitude and tone deeper then musical style or genre.

#Krewella get wet mega full#

In the same way that Blink-182 once galvanized a generation of party-hardy youngings and pissed off and worried their parents with their raunchy, if not at times cringe-worthy angst-ridden brand of pop punk music, Krewella's Get Wet no doubt fulfills the same void that Blink did - albeit with a face full of bass. Chicago's Krewella have finally arrived with the release of their major label debut album, Get Wet.

Krewella get wet mega